A very nice painting I purchased from ebay, I have been trying to work out the viewpoint and the building on the right but have come to the conclusion it has been painted with quite a degree of artistic license.
This was when the creek was in full swing and industrially, Faversham was a thriving seaport it had a very large munitions factory, fishing and oyster dredging, a large brewery, and was a large importer of timber from scandinavia, it also had a large farming industry.
This watering hole has many memories for me, one of which was sailing down from the Medway in a 20ft dropkeel yacht, with my partner, sadly now not with us, we moored outside the pub for a week and had a great time, fresh water was obtained from the Shepherd and Neame Brewery which sits over a natural spring, the locals call it sweet water, best water I ever tasted.
Wateringbury and Southwold, Kent and Suffolk, United Kingdom
I am firstly a wildlife Photographer/Artist,but I have always been interested in postcards and have collected for a great many years, Kent is my main interest but have many others of other counties. So please enjoy.
Anyone wishing to contact me may do so at wildlife1@talktalk.net